Synanon "The People Business"
Welcome to the Synanon website
This part of the site is for former Synanon residents only. Please respect our privacy.

If you are a former Synanon resident we'd love to have you on the site. We have 1,850 former residents already listed on the site, most with email addresses and parts of their personal stories. We have 4,488 pictures of people, places, and things from Synanon's earliest days up through pictures as we are today. In addition we have links to personal and business websites, poetry, extended stories, Synanon history, email lists, etc. Registering will allow you to see all this and upload pictures, update your personal listing and see all our email addresses. But you'll have to accept "cookies".
Here are thumbnails of a few pictures to give you an idea of what's on the site.
A few names you may know: Chuck, Dede, Jady, Betty, Tomales, Ron, Dan G, Dan S, Jimmy, Athens Club, Laura, Lance, Rod, Naya, Pierre, Badger, Alice, Dorothy, Ben, Jockton, Wilbur, Nick, Peter ...
Are you a former Synanon resident? Yes No (If not, you can't register.)  If you are ALREADY registered, Click here to SIGN IN. .
After you check the box above, click  to get the application form  If you just forgot your password click HERE to get it .
If you have any questions please email me directly at
-- George Farnsworth, Synanon Webmaster
Everyone is welcome to visit the Synanon Museum area
(open to the public).

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